"Godhood" On Another Planet

NOTE: This is one of the more unusual "stories" we've found in the past transcripts. The pertinent answers given came during a number of sessions over the course of about a year. (All questions/answers within a particular session are grouped together with a centered line between.) "Arthur", the astral-traveling Warrior mentioned here, asked other questions as well and sometimes attended sessions during which he asked questions unrelated to the subject of "his people". Sometimes the information about his "godhood" on another planet came through in questions asked about other subjects. We've tried to gather all of Michael's responses on this here. There may have been others during this time period we do not have. More on the subject may have been said later on. Even though this may be incomplete, we felt we had enough of it to combine here. All names and any indications of identity have, of course, been changed or deleted.

Q. Arthur: I recently had a dream that was as bright and focused as my dreams of past-life experiences typically are. However, its subject was a very peculiar fluffy animal that burrowed underground and was a copper-based life form. What was this all about, and could Michael please do a sort of Freudian explanation of what's behind it?

A. As usual, this particular Warrior is keenly attuned to other life forms on the physical plane. The constellation in question is not only a southern-hemisphere constellation but one that occupies a "portion of the heavens" similar to the one occupied in the north by Cassiopeia, but whose confines have recently been acknowledged to contain at least three galaxies. Within one of these galaxies there exists a star system and planets where the life forms that are ensouled are indeed copper-based, and this particular Warrior has attuned himself to their existence.¹

Because of his sensitivity, there is a kind of continuity available to these fragments that would not be the case if exterior intervention did not exist -- there would be a level of isolation that in stressful times such as the ones currently experienced by this species would prove to be overwhelming.

Little though you may believe it, Arthur, the perception of Mature Souls on this planet of you has created a focus of hope, and that focus has in turn spurred what you would call a religion, which at this point, given the immediate circumstances of the planet, is the one thing spurring the occupants to survival. Should they choose to continue to align themselves with this folkloric figure, they may yet survive the current demands on their planet. Without it -- and this is their choice, incidentally -- they may in fact end up surrendering their "domain" to another species for ensoulment.

Q. Evan: So they're calling upon him in prayer, and he's hearing their call?

A. [The channel says, "Yes. Sort of. And that's the important part, sort of. Michael has said that prayer is the petition of Personality to Essence to come to the rescue."]

Q. Evan: What is the source of their stress? Is it just harsh geographic conditions, or is another species eating them or something?

A. There are two sources of stress. One is a major environmental shift, and the other is a "local invader" from a nearby star system which has developed a kind of Viking-like raiding mentality, and because of these double pressures, this particular biological group has been pressured to adapt rapidly to unfamiliar circumstances.

Q. Wallace: And along comes Arthur...

A. Who is, by their reckoning, the god of change.

[The channel says, "He's something like Hermes Trismegistus,² alchemy's mythical Egyptian founder. They don't really have alchemists, but they have a niche that is sort of like that, and Arthur has entered it, whether he wants to or not. Not many cultures have gods of change -- that's an unusual thing to have gods of. Gods tend to represent established cultural or societal norms, and the ones who aren't tend to be weather gods."]
¹ [The channel, being shown a picture of them, says, "Ye gods, they're weird looking. They've got long, big, beaky noses -- something the paleontologists would love." Arthur says, "They have big, long noses, funny straight-up pointed ears, with a two-phased body. The front end is a like a mole, and then the back end is a little like a lion, but not like a lion at all. They have big haunches to push things through. They follow copper veins. There was a currency element in this thing, and I'll have to think about what that was, but they did seem to have some kind of monetary exchange process that they produced. They're mining (processing) the copper rather than ingesting it."]

² Hermes Trismegistus is the Latin name for "Hermes the thrice-greatest", derived from the Greek name of the Egyptian god Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing.

Q. Richard: I've been thinking a lot about Arthur's astral traveling creating a religion on another planet. How many of our "gods" are just astral travelers from galaxies far, far away?

A. About forty-eight percent.

Q. Arthur: I want to get a little more information on the way things on other planets work. It seems odd that there's no one else from this planet venturing to the particular planet (where I'm a god). Is it one planet per person, so to speak?

A. Let us point out that this particular fragment has revealed his godhood "a long way away". However, almost all ensouled species within the physical plane are visited by such fragments at least nine times as "avatars" of the manifestation of the Transcendental or Infinite Soul. The fragments to whom this fragment is god are likely to receive the Infinite Soul within what you would perceive to be the next century, and his presentation of the coming of knowledge is proving to be a strong motivator for many fragments who previously resisted any and all allegiances to nonphysical manifestations.

We would also wish to say in regard to this particular Warrior that the protective side of his nature has inclined him to accept the various forms of intimacy of religious experience, and therefore be willing to receive the hopes and fears of these fragments in anticipation of the manifestation of the Transcendental or Infinite Soul.

Q. Arthur: I want to continue my research project into my planet. Michael mentioned that this planet had been invaded. Are the invaders copper-based? Can they eat my people? Are their trees copper-based, and do they shimmer like copper?

A. They shimmer no more than carbon-based leaves do, but because of the nature of evolution on this planet they tend to be similar to but not like spiny swamp grass. The tallest growing thing on the planet is rarely more than fourteen feet and spreads out as much in all directions as it does high. And for the more "primitive" of the "natives" [to them you look like them] these large spiky bushes create a kind of natural "hut" where they can live and secure themselves against the invaders, whose main interest, incidentally, is minerals -- not just copper, but its most lavish form: malachite.

The invaders do not recognize the sentience of the natives because their forms are markedly dissimilar. In terms of earth-like models, the invaders resemble a kind of eight-legged clam, and while they do not in fact eat the natives, they consider certain of their "seafoods" delicacies. Of course you might call them swamp foods. The invasion has caused widespread disruption in social patterns, particularly trade, and one of the reasons that this Warrior is more sensitive to this place is their increasing devotion to their god.

We would suggest, should you choose to do so, inspiring them in the art of bridge building, for that would allow them to move far more swiftly through their marshy domains and would not in fact help the invaders. "Your people" have five functional sexes, and they tend to live in extended familial groups. For half of the planet, trade is the major economic base. In the other half, conscripted labor is the economic base and, in fact, amongst the conscriptions the behavior might be seen to be similar to such organizations as the Mafia, but of course they too worship you. You are seen to be allied with the god of weather and the god of construction, and so your suggestions are apt to carry a great deal of weight, should you choose to give them.
A. [In answer to an unrelated question from Arthur] In the case of this particular god [Arthur], the worshipers are keenly aware that he has a personal investment in their survival, which not only reassures them, it brings about a great deal of immediate questions having to do with the manifestation of his godhood in the world they occupy. Let us also remark that in providing a context to those who worship him, this god in fact takes upon himself the capacity to define activities for other sentient species, and his concern has provided a focus of attention that has brought about increased awareness on many fronts for fragments who have heretofore seen themselves abandoned. The presence of this god has reunited them and provided definition that is in fact valuable and reinforcing, and, through its immediate recognition, has made it possible for this god to "save his people" and may do so again, should he choose to enlist them.

[The channel says, "They want to hug you. I've rarely felt that Michael wants to do anything physical, but they want to hug you."]
Q. Arthur: I would like a little bit of information about the life cycle and culture of my copper-eating people.

A. By your reckoning, based upon twenty-four hour days, which they do not have, these fragments tend to live an average of thirty-seven years, with extraordinary old age being sixty-five, which is rarely attained but given great respect and notice when it does occur.

There are to all intents and purposes six sexual forms,* three adult manifestations and three post-adult manifestations, that being sexually active fragments who can no longer reproduce. These creatures tend to have "litters" of nine or ten, with an expected infant mortality of thirty-five percent. The basic cause of this infant mortality is a high predominance of bacteriological life forms in the drinking water, and for younger fragments, resistance to the infections associated with these life forms tends to be lower than survival rates would allow.

These fragments have a kind of monetary system or exchange system based upon mineral and seed stock, a rate of exchange that has been more or less unchanged for the last three hundred years.

Let us also remark that this particular "civilization" has put a great deal of importance on what you might call intellectuality -- or, that is, the recognition of thought processes beyond the immediate limits of pragmatic requirements. Because of this alignment, there is a great social value assigned to intellectual innovation, and it is in this capacity that the godhood of Arthur exists as his pragmatic applications of intellectual "realities" provide insight and opportunities that had been lacking heretofore, and through this process has brought about the perception of the possibility of change.

Again, we have said before but we will reiterate, Arthur's manifestation has become the god of change, and by being deified, change is no longer the terrifying possibility it was even two generations ago.
* [Earlier, Michael said, " Your people' have five functional sexes." The channel says, "I get the possibility that whichever sex carries the young is not particularly sexual."]

Q. Arthur: I'm supposed to show my critters how to build bridges. However, Michael has said they live in houses made from natural trees, so it would seem that they don't have much technological skill. To what level can they manipulate their environment?

A. We would think that finding a way to braid "tree branches"¹ with copper wire might be a good way to begin for the cable to support swinging bridges.

[The channel says, "I have the feeling Michael thinks the rest of it is your job, Arthur. The image that I get is sort of like those Incan swinging bridges that were made from braided grass."]

Q. So they can't manipulate their environment?

A. They have neither the variety of raw materials nor the advantage of surplus agricultural products to allow them chances to experiment. So basically, given their limited circumstances, it is quite important that the first time works.

[Michael also want to mention that] approximately a third of the Greek pantheon² and about a third of the "Hindu" pantheon are the same sort of travelers that Arthur is. There are others, of course, but these are the most readily identified. Loon of the Algonquins³ is also an astral traveler.

Q. So the gods in the Greek pantheon are astral travelers from somewhere else?

A. [The channel says, "Yes, and they don't look like us, either. Just as your critters think you look like them, so we have a tendency to cast those astral travelers in our own image."]
¹ [Trees is probably in quotes because they probably aren't really trees.]

² [Meaning the ancient Greek pantheon.]

³ [The channel says, "The loon is one of the most important god figures in Algonquin mythology, because it makes that weird cry like a human, and so it bears the auguries, the predictions."]